Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Friday, August 3, 2012
After the workshop, audience started to interact to each other and having lunch together. Pictures below.
Below is the audience paying the attention to CGE Legal advisor while giving the
lecture, on the most sensitive and the most horrible issue that alienate the
accessibility of Refugee in many social assistances.
We are
committed to:
promote the value of refugee women, Girls and Children.
morally and economically the abused Refugee Women and Girls.
- Offering
financial support that uplift grassroots refugee Women and Girls.
and engaging women within different fields, e.g. Computer training, Hair
dressing, sewing skills, etc.
against ethnic conflicts: segregation, tribalism and local conflict.
on transmissible illness/Virus.
about gender equality.
refugee women and girls into different trainings, workshops, and seminars to
gain more knowledge that will help them to forge their future.
Honorable Western Cape Team of
commission for Gender equality, distinguish guest and dear friends,
I have no doubt to say that, under the above
mentioned Mission and vision statement, VIDEFI, lays is foundation and believe
that, refugee women and Girls have the ability to contribute to the global
millennium goals, and that should be achieved if:
a) The equal opportunities will be
granted to all women.
b) We over come gender to gender
c) Acknowledgment of refugee women
d) Learning from others
e) Integrating refugee women into South
African women league and other institutions that promote Gender equality.
Honorable Western Cape Team of
commission for Gender equality, distinguish guest and dear friends. I caught ‘’ women
informed is a women safe’’, educating women is to educate the entire nation.
Allow me to
extend my gratitude and say thank you to the Western Cape paramount board for
Gender Equality and other these have joined hand to make this event to be
successful. Thank you for all.
of the Speech.
Mission and vision
-We are
vividly and objectively looking at and supporting:
polemically against anything that is harmful to women.
education for Refugee Women, Girls and children.
the skills for refugee women and Girls.
for Gender equality, because we believe that,
inequality is the most harmful tool that oppresses women.
-Women right
and liberty of expression.
Economic emancipation;
-Health and
HIV /AIDS awareness,
women within micro projects
promote, and develop, socio- economic activities for
the refugee
women and Girls.
-We are
vividly and objectively looking at and supporting:
polemically against anything that is harmful to women.-promoting education for
Refugee Women, Girls and children. -Promoting the skills for refugee women and
Above is the picture of VIDEFI Deputy Coordinator Mm Rebecca Wa Cipamba, presenting the
company to CGE team, on the behalf of Coordinator Mm Jacqueline Mulasi and particularly VIDEFI.
The speech was as the following
Ladies and gentlemen, honorable COMMISSION FOR GENDER EQUALITY
TEAM, distinguish guest, and friends in development, it is a privilege to find
ourselves among the highest place, where by different issue will be discussed.
On the behalf of VIDEFI
coordinator Madam JACQUELINE, I am here to present a young NGO called VIDEFI.
having therefore, discovered the lack of education and skills within refugee
Women and Girls, a group of refugee
women had joined hands on Sunday 16th November 2008
and founded a non profit organization called VIDEFI ‘’ Vision for the
Development of Fizi’’
Here is the
pitcher of Videfi member from Zimbabwe
called Mm Portia Madombwe,
interacting with Workshop holder Mr M
Leonard Macakathi form Commission for Gender Equality ‘’CGE”. Mm Portia was raising the point
on the issue that affect refugee Women in South Africa, including difficulty to
proper jobs although among refugee women we have these are qualified and that
can contribute to the Millennium Development Goals MDGs. She went on and asked,
how do refugee women employee their skills to contribute to the South Africa
economic growth while we are not given chance to do so?
On the left,
is the pitcher of Mr Macakathi Education
Officer, and Keegen Lakay Colleague
both from Commission for Gender Equality ‘’CGE”
team. They are attentively following the point raised by Mm . Below is Mr. Leonard CGE education officer as
workshop holder, presenting and sharing his experience as well giving the
lecture on Gender issues.
VIDEFI Workshop:
Western Cape (Cape Town)
132 Adele
Street, 5th Floor, Absa Building, Cape Town 8001
Box 1774, Cape Town 8000, South Africa
+27 21 426 4080, Fax +27 21 424 0549
Here are some of VIDEFI
activities pitchers.
Workshop with Commission
for Gender Equality,
Issue 1 & Vole 1
Vision for the development
Of Fizi
There is nothing good than serving people that are unable to help themselves. Remember that, it is not because they wanted to be in horrible condition in which you may found them, but life circumstances made it. As women, you are strongly advised to share the opportunities, and that should be the beginning of uplifting others. As we all know that, the world we are living in, is driven by the information, therefore, you should always remember that, giving your fallow women the information about something, is more than assisting her with any material, and that empower more ”Woman informed is a woman safe”.
It is our responsibility to inspire, and encourage refugee women and girls to develop the spirit of sharing. On the other hand, women who does not share the opportunity with others, that mean, they cannot contribute anything to the re- construction of this new society and the achievement of the millennium Development goals “ MDGs”. Remember that, we need to equip women with necessary skills so that they can feat into this global market and the economic growth ruling the world. Without women the society is uncompleted, therefore, you are someone to contribute for the coming society.
Whatever circumstance you may find your self, we encourage refugee women and girls to share whatever the opportunities that helps them to develop the sense of belonging and the spirit of working together as a team. It doesn’t matter, whatever could be the condition in which you find you’re self, and you are strongly encouraged to thing about others.
What is VIDEFI all about?
It is a global no profit organization lad by Refugee Women, strongly determined or working under the aims and objective of supporting the most vulnerable refugee Women, Girls and Children.
What is VIDEFI standing for?
-promoting education for Refugee Women, Girls and children.
-We are strongly standing polemically against anything that is harmful to women.
-Promoting the skills for refugee women and Girls.
-Promotion for Gender equality, because we believe that, gender inequality is the most harmful tool that oppress women.
-Women right and liberty of expression.
-Women Economic emancipation;
- Companying about Health and HIV /AIDS awareness,
-Supporting refugee Women and Girls within micro projects.
-Create, promote, and develop, socio- economic activities for
The refugee women and Girls.
What is VIDEFI current project?
-Taking the most vulnerable refugee women and girls into different trainings,
Workshops and seminars to gain more knowledge that will help them to forge their future.
- Offering financial support that uplift grassroots refugee Women and Girls. On the other hand, supporting refugee Women and Girls within micro projects by empowering them with certain amount that allow them to start small business.
-Assisting morally and economically the abused Refugee Women and Girls.
-Offering the sewing and Hair dressing skills to the refugee women and Girls.
What is VIDEFI coming project?
Computer training is the most key project we are planning to undertake. As our above mentioned, the world is driven by the information, therefore, VIDEFI is planning to open a center where the most vulnerable refugee Women and Girls will be trained to access the information so that they can feat into global market in order to contribute to the Millennium Development Goals ‘’ MDGs’’. Woman informed is a woman safe.
VIDEFI Workshop:
ADDRESS: Western Cape (Cape Town)
132 Adele Street, 5th Floor, Absa Building, Cape Town 8001
P.o. Box 1774, Cape Town 8000, South Africa
Tel: +27 21 426 4080, Fax +27 21 424 0549
Here are some of VIDEFI activities pitchers.
Workshop with Commission for Gender Equality,
On 20th March 2012
From 10am to 12h 50. Topic ‘’gender based violence, how gender inequality affect the life of women, the impact of gender on socio economic, what is gender all about”
Here is the pitcher of Videfi member from Zimbabwe called Mm Portia Madombwe, interacting with Workshop holder Mr M Leonard Macakathi form Commission for Gender Equality ‘’CGE”. Mm Portia was raising the point on the issue that affect refugee Women in South Africa, including difficulty to proper jobs although among refugee women we have these are qualified and that can contribute to the Millennium Development Goals MDGs. She went on and asked, how do refugee women employee their skills to contribute to the South Africa economic growth while we are not given chance to do so?
On the left, is the pitcher of Mr Macakathi Education Officer, and Keegen Lakay Colleague both from Commission for Gender Equality ‘’CGE” team. They are attentively following the point raised by Mm Portia
Here are members paying attention to an opening
Debate between CGE &VIDEFI Mm Elizabet, Jolie, Clariss, VIDEFI deputy coordinator and CGE Legal advisor
Below is Mr. Leonard CGE education officer as workshop holder, presenting and sharing his experience as well giving the lecture on Gender issues.
On the right hand, is VIDEFI project coordinator, Mr Ebalo Heri interacting with Mm Tafneem Sperris from CGE
On the right hand is CGE research coordinator Mm Tafneem Sperris responding VIDEFI project coordinator Mr Heri on the issue regarding the integrity of refugee women into South Africa women league and other institutions companying about gender equality.
Below is the picture of VIDEFI Deputy Coordinator Mm Rebecca Wa Cipamba, presenting the company to CGE team, on the behalf of Coordinator Mm Jacqueline Mulasi and particularly VIDEFI.
The speech was as the following
Ladies and gentlemen, honorable COMMISSION FOR GENDER EQUALITY TEAM, distinguish guest, and friends in development, it is a privilege to find ourselves among the highest place, where by different issue will be discussed.
On the behalf of VIDEFI coordinator Madam JACQUELINE, I am here to present a young NGO called VIDEFI.
VIDEFI BACK GROUND: After having therefore, discovered the lack of education and skills within refugee Women and Girls, a group of refugee women had joined hands on Sunday 16th November 2008 and founded a non profit organization called VIDEFI ‘’ Vision for the Development of Fizi’’.
Mission and vision statement
-We are vividly and objectively looking at and supporting:
-Standing polemically against anything that is harmful to women.-promoting education for Refugee Women, Girls and children. -Promoting the skills for refugee women and Girls.
VIDEFI dep/coordinator during the speech
Mission and vision statement
-We are vividly and objectively looking at and supporting:
-Standing polemically against anything that is harmful to women.
-promoting education for Refugee Women, Girls and children.
-Promoting the skills for refugee women and Girls.
-Promotion for Gender equality, because we believe that,
Gender inequality is the most harmful tool that oppresses women.
-Women right and liberty of expression.
-Women Economic emancipation;
-Health and HIV /AIDS awareness,
-Supporting women within micro projects
Create, promote, and develop, socio- economic activities for
the refugee women and Girls.
We are committed to:
-Maintain, promote the value of refugee women, Girls and Children.
-Assisting morally and economically the abused Refugee Women and Girls.
- Offering financial support that uplift grassroots refugee Women and Girls.
-Training and engaging women within different fields, e.g. Computer training, Hair dressing, sewing skills, etc.
-Campaigning against ethnic conflicts: segregation, tribalism and local conflict.
-Awareness on transmissible illness/Virus.
-Teaching about gender equality.
-Taking refugee women and girls into different trainings, workshops, and seminars to gain more knowledge that will help them to forge their future.
Honorable Western Cape Team of commission for Gender equality, distinguish guest and dear friends,
I have no doubt to say that, under the above mentioned Mission and vision statement, VIDEFI, lays is foundation and believe that, refugee women and Girls have the ability to contribute to the global millennium goals, and that should be achieved if:
a) The equal opportunities will be granted to all women.
b) We over come gender to gender discrimination.
c) Acknowledgment of refugee women skills
d) Learning from others
e) Integrating refugee women into South African women league and other institutions that promote Gender equality.
Honorable Western Cape Team of commission for Gender equality, distinguish guest and dear friends. I caught ‘’ women informed is a women safe’’, educating women is to educate the entire nation.
Allow me to extend my gratitude and say thank you to the Western Cape paramount board for Gender Equality and other these have joined hand to make this event to be successful. Thank you for all.
On the right hand is the CGE provincial
Legal advisor Keegen lakay giving the second lecture on the legal procedure that is made in place in order to protect refugee community in South Africa. As well, He has sublimated a copy of document called Sustained Advocacy for Empowered Refugees ‘’SAFER” Refugee Rights Project published at University of Cape Town“UCT’’. As well he presented to the audience the Bill of Rights.
On the right side the audience paying the attention to CGE Legal advisor while giving the lecture, on the most sensitive and the most horrible issue that alienate the accessibility of Refugee in many social assistances.
During workshop
After the workshop, audience started to interact to each other and having lunch together. Pictures below.
As we had stated in the above Mission and Vision statement, VIDEFI is more committed at empowering the most Vulnerable Refugee Women and Girls through giving them certain skills that will forge their lives, therefore here are some of the practical activities that are going on day by day. In the below are some photos of Refugee women on move.
On the left hand is Mm WA CIPAMBA at the VIDEFI office
VIDEFI Office and training area
In the below is the photo of VIDEFI deputy Coordinator Mm Rebecca Wa cipamba receiving the booklet of South Africa Constitution from CGE education officer Mr Leonard Macakathi
VIDEFI members in the current Sewing and Hair dressing project
The voice of VIDEFI Refugee women and girls
VISION without action is a daydream, and ACTION without vision is a journey without destination. TOGETHER, LET BUILD BETTER SOCIETY
Salon operating room and Materials.
In the operational room.
In the below is the CGE Education Officer
Western Cape Province.
VIDEFI Refugee Women in the training room
VISION without action is a daydream, and ACTION without vision is a journey without destination. TOGETHER, LET BUILD BETTER SOCIETY
In the workshop
The acknowledgement of skills among refugee women is the key to contribute to South Africa Society.
We need to contribute to the future of South Africa, but we are asking for a platform that should allow us to perform and be judged after performance not before performance. To add on that, us as Refugee women from VIDEFI team, we send our requirement to South Africa Government and other institution and special these institutions lad by Women to look at other side, they will definitively find other women of same Vision and commitment of making South Africa a better place to live and to grow our children by preparing them to become the better leaders.
We all have the responsibility to contribute to this wonderful society, but all we need is a platform. To do so, we need Education.
Made by VIDEFI refugee women group.
VIDEFI Members.
As our above mentioned, VISION without action is a daydream, and ACTION without vision is a journey without destination. We strongly believe that the successful group is a determined by the passing of a vision from one generation to the other.
Therefore, Videfi team is working hard toward achieving it Mission and Vision statement so that will contribute to empower and to the sustainability of refugee Women and Girls, says VIDEFI Dep/coordinator Mm Rebecca.
In additional, we are concern to the accessibility of information because there is therefore, trite says that ,information is the oxygen of society, without it, people are unable to engage with elected representative and, more importantly, claim the rights that are theirs. We all covered by the second Chapter of South Africa Constitution which is the Bill of Rights. In this regard, we understand that taking Refugee Women and Girls in the areas of gaining information, is to lead them to the successful Road where they will be able to forge their future and they will be able to distinguish whatever rights that has been taken away from them ,then they will be capable of claiming it. On the other hand, VIDEFI team believes in constantly investing in oneself and improving one’s qualification that is the reason we need to lead and to cultivate the mind of Refugee Women and Girls into accessibility of information. On the behalf of VIDEFI we say thank you to every one, and we will continue to support each other for the accomplishment of VIDEFI Mission and Vision statement.
Remember that,’ VISION without action is a daydream, and ACTION without vision is a journey without destination’’.
We need your hand of support. May God bless you. Together let build better community.
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